Our local locksmith in Dudley provides a mobile service across the Stourbridge area and covering the DY7, DY8 and DY9 postcodes. As well as serving Stourbridge Town we regularly serve the local suburbs such as Amblecote, Lye, Norton, Oldswinford, Pedmore, Wollaston, Wollescote and Wordsley.
All our locksmiths are fully insured and qualified to do an excellent job. They have been through rigorous testing and through experience know exactly how to fix all your lock problems to the highest of standards. Our team also go through additional regular professional training to stay up to date.
Check your locks meet the requirements of your insurance policy. In case you are unfortunate and fall victim to a burglary or even an attempted break-in you want to make sure that your locks don't let you down twice - once in letting a thief gain entry and second by invalidating your insurance payout as they were not the right kind.
We regularly deal with each and every type of lock you might have installed on your door. If you're not sure give us a call and find out, but we're pretty confident our Kyox Locksmiths of Dudley can handle it. Whether you need a regular Yale or Chubb lock or higher security ones such as Mul-T-Lock, with more complex mechanisms we carry a multitude of options for you to choose from. We can also make sure that your locks meet the correct standards as your insurance policy so that you can be safe in the knowledge that your property and its contents are covered should you be unfortunate and experience a break-in. Otherwise, if they are not the correct locks you may find yourself seriously out of pocket.
So if you are locked out in Stourbridge, just call us on 01384 886114.